Team Wiesner


  • Brand Strategy & Consulting
  • Brand Identity
  • Brand Communication

Brand Consulting , Brand Identity and Brand Communication for camping app Camparound.



Camparound is a new app to digitally plan your next camping trip in a smart, fast and convenient way.

We created the Brand Identity (including the corporate design and the UI + UX design of the app) and Brand Communication (POS, brochures and other print material, merchandise etc.). Regarding the imagery we chose a warm picture mood with a point of view angle to give the observer the feeling he is actually experiencing a cosy camping situation on its own. For the logo we went for a sign that simultaneously displays an owl and a pin on a map.

  • Camparound
  • Digitial Architecture
  • Brand Definition
  • Art Directions
  • App / Website Development
  • Corporate Design
  • Corporate Clothes
  • Merchandise
  • UX/UI Design
  • Website Design
  • Advertising
  • Brand Events
Project lead and CEO / Werkdigital
Felix Wiesner and Carsten Schmitz from Team Wiesner created an extraordinary Brand Experience for Camparaound and significantly contributed to the user experience. The collaboration was very productive and a lot of fun.

Boris Feldmann
Project lead and CEO / Werkdigital

Head of Design: Carsten Schmitz
Art Direction: Carsten Schmitz, Anthony Salamin
​Project Management: Felix Wiesner
Account Management: Felix Wiesner